LTSP with Fit-PC2

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LTSP with Fit-PC2

Post by RoB_Leo »


Sorry for being a bit long winded - I'm known for that ;-) And sorry for the lack of detail information - I'm not on site (lazing on the couch) so can't get to the system to copy files or dump screens.

Moving on ...

The problem:
We simply can't seem to get Fit-PC2 working as thin client using Ubuntu 10.04/11.04 and LTSP. We've set up LTSP and are using diskless FIt-PC2s as thin cilents.

The kernel loads but it just freezes after a few seconds of the splash screen. Nothing then works, not even CAPS lock light comes on anymore. The only thing we can do is hold in the power to turn off.

Disabling splash shows more info but other than seeing the system freezes just after mounting the filesystem, not much for me to go on (mounting filesystem, unmounting, remounting, some NTFS stuff, no obvious errors).

The server is a VM so we created a VM client and it works a charm so the image works fine. This already lead me to suspect something with the graphics driver (a bit of a guess) but I've also read various posts on this forum about BIOS settings (multithreading settings) and Gigabit issues.

We normally know what we're doing with Unix/Linux but with this we're lost. What's more, we appear to be the only suckers having trouble getting LTSP to work nicely with Fit-PC2 (which I find hard to believe). I searched the forum and tried several things to solve problems encountered on the various distros but there's not a dodo on LTSP.

So, the question: is there anybody with experience with LTSP and Fit-PC2 as the clients? Can anyone detail or point to a working procedure to get an LTSP server up and running and the clients booting OK?

I appreciate more information may be needed (config files, screen output) so I'll see if I can get that when I'm on-site again next week.

Thanks in advance,


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Joined: Tue Sep 06, 2011 5:47 pm

Re: LTSP with Fit-PC2

Post by Leolo »

I have experience with Fit-PC2s and LTSP 4.2: about the only issue was compiling a kernel module for the r8168.

However, you are probably running LTSP 5 so this won't help you.

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